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How to Shop for Wide-Calf Boots

Wide-calf boots are quickly becoming more widespread, with brands everywhere offering wider options. This is great news, considering how many women have thicker calves! However, these boots can still sometimes be difficult to find, making shopping for them an often frustrating task. If you’re looking for wide-calf boots, here’s how to find a pair you love:

Measure Your Calves

Though there isn’t an industry-wide standard for boot width, regular-width boots typically have about a 15-inches circumference. This is actually pretty small, considering the average calf size for women is only an inch or so smaller than that. Wide-calf boots begin at around 16 inches in circumference. To measure your own calves, sit in a chair with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, use a cloth measuring tape to measure around the widest part of each calf. If they’re different, don’t worry – that’s normal.

Go with whichever measurement is larger when shopping for boots to be on the safe side. Once you find that number, you can begin searching for boots with a big enough circumference!

Look for Elastic or Laces

The width of boots is often adjustable, so keep that in mind when shopping. Boots that lace up the front can typically be widened an inch or so by loosening the laces. You can also look for boots with elastic panels along the sides that allow for a little leeway in the measurements. When shopping, remember that tall boots with zippers on the sides or back will be much easier to put on over larger calves compared to boots that you simply pull on.

Your Choice of Pants Matters

Remember that whichever bottoms you choose to wear could affect your width measurement. Thicker pants like boot-cut jeans will be more difficult to fit inside your shoes than tights or leggings. If you’re looking for the most versatile boots possible, measure your calves while wearing a favorite pair of jeans.

Opt for Tall or Short

To keep your boots as flattering as possible, opt for a pair that either stops around your knees or within a couple inches above your ankles. Either style will lengthen the appearance of your legs, making them look slimmer. Boots that hit around the wider parts of your calf can draw attention to the area.

Make Quality a Priority

Take your time when searching for boots, as it’s a big footwear investment. Make sure you’re getting a pair you’ll love and be able to wear for several years. Choose quality boots that are exactly what you’re looking for if you’d like to avoid shopping for another pair anytime soon.

Consider Other Shoe Options

Boots are a stylish and flattering shoe option, but other styles of shoes will look great on you as well! Wearing heels can help lengthen your legs, making them instantly appear leaner. Go for a pair of pumps that’s close to your skin tone and your legs will look long, slim and beautiful.

wide calf boots

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